Friday 18 September 2015

Finally autumn

Hi there! I haven't written in a while. I think my psychical condition is getting worse.  I thought that if I have a long holiday I can get better, but I was wrong. I feel depressed and I don't even know why. And I can't stand having panic attacks anymore. I thought about going to a therapist, but it's pretty expensive here and I can't really afford to do this for months. So I'm still searching on internet ways to get rid of this disorder.
So I started a mood journal. I heard it helps a lot to understand your feelings and the reasons behind them. I'm gonna let you know how my mood journal looks like.

First of all, I write the date (I'm gonna make myself to write on a daily basis). I write thrice a day: when I wake up, at lunch (2-4 hours after I wake up) and in the evening. I write how I fell, and some possible causes.
Secondly, I write about my sleep pattern. Sleep is very important. It can make your mood worse. I'm really conscious about this but I still don't get enough sleep. So I hope this journal will help me to make a sleep program. I write the hour I wake up at, and when I go to bed. I also write the amount of time I sleep, because I take naps during the day. That's it.

About my activity.... I actually went to the sea and it was pretty nice. So I drop here some photos :)
Now I'm continuing my parasitic life until I go to university. And yes, I'm officially a student and I hope, a future artist ^-^